- Any pet owner knows that one of the hazards of having an indoor pet are pet stains. Pet stains can not only create an eye sore on your carpets and furniture, but they can also damage the floors underneath your carpet, as well as create an unpleasant odor throughout your home. There are many commercial products on the market to help remove stains. However, there are household products that you can find in your kitchen cabinet that may also help remove those stubborn pet stains.
- Before using any product on your carpet, regardless of whether it is household or commercial, you will want to test the product on an inconspicuous area first before applying to your stain. This will ensure that the product will not fade or ruin your carpet. Before applying a household product you should remove any feces from the area and with a damp cloth, absorb as much of the moisture out of the stain that you can.
- The first product to try on pet stains is a mild detergent. Apply a small amount of detergent to a wet, clean cloth. Gently massage the detergent into the stain, slowly increasing the pressure on the stain. Massage until most of the stain is removed. Take a separate wet cloth and remove as much of the detergent as you can from the stain and let dry.
- Vinegar is great for removing pet stains, especially urine stains. Vinegar works as both a stain remover and also has properties that allow it to neutralize odors. The vinegar also neutralizes the ammonia in pet urine, assuring that your pet will not come back and restain the area you just cleaned. Mix the vinegar with a small amount of dish washing soap. Blot the mixture into the stain and gently rub the solution in. Using cold water, wet a towel and blot the area until you work the vinegar and soap out of the carpet or material. Use a dry towel and blot the rest of the moisture out of the spot.
- Hydrogen peroxide from your medicine cabinet can also be a great household product for removing stains. Mix about 1/4 cup of peroxide with 1 tbsp. of dish washing detergent. Liberally sprinkle baking soda on the stain and literally walk the baking soda deep into the stain. Pour the peroxide solution directly on to the stain and gently rub in with a clean towel. Take a cold wet towel and blot out as much of the peroxide solution as you can. Let dry. The peroxide moves the stain towards the surface, the soap washes the stain out of the carpet and the baking soda neutralizes the odor.
- Never use ammonia-based products. Pet urine contains traces of ammonia. It's these trace smells that lead your animals to their favorite spots to urinate. The pet may detect the ammonia in your cleaning solution and decide that you have given him a permanent place to potty on your carpet.
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