Getting an ex back is for me one of the toughest of things.
This is normal, and I will try to help you pass this period of your life.
Winning your girl back is not so hard, but you absolutely have to know what to do and what not to do.
Be honest and do not lie, that is all.
Here are my three tips to win your ex back 1 .
No contact It may seem awkward but it is very important.
Forget about writing her, sending her an SMS, or even tweeting about her.
No social networks allowed! You can even refuse to meet her or to talk to her.
That will make her think a lot.
You are a person with priorities too.
If you think you have done enough, then just invite her to a dinner.
At this moment you will have to be ready and she will have to be ready to make up.
Be kind.
Do not show interest Be relaxed, cool, polite, everything like that.
But do not show too much that you want her back.
Listen to her, try to understand why you have come to this level in your relationship.
You can give her advice about your will to make up, but put a little suspense to your relationship.
You will be even more in love after.
Do not be jealous She might say she is often with another man.
Do not worry, and keep being confident.
That may make you have her back!
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