The question you need to ask yourself right now is whether you really do want to get your ex girlfriend back, or is it simply because you were used to having her around.
This can happen if you and your partner have been together for a long time.
This is why it is so important that you take a little time to think things over properly so that you don't make another mistake that will only cause you and your ex more heartache.
Having some time away from your ex will help you to figure out whether you do really want her back in your life or not.
It will also give you time to think about yourself and how you have changed since you and your ex first met.
It could very well be that it was something that you said or did that caused her to walk out on you, and this will be an opportunity for you to change yourself inside and out, if needs be.
Of course, you might need to be quite ruthless with yourself to achieve this - sometimes there are things about ourselves that we do not want to admit to.
However, if you want to get your ex girlfriend back, you are going to have to take action, and quickly.
If after a few days you still feel that you would like her back in your life again, then you can get the process going by sending her a bouquet or a card, indicating that you still love her a lot, and you want to change anything about yourself that needs to be changed, if it will make her happy.
Your ex has also had time to think things over since the break up, so the chances are that she is also beginning to miss you at this stage.
The message that you sent to her will have made her think a lot about you, probably in a more positive light than just after the break up.
You'll probably find that she will be a lot more approachable now, which means that you will have a better chance of succeeding in your attempt to get your ex girlfriend back.
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