Pets & Animal Reptiles

Bearded Dragons Not Eating Could Be a Sign of Anxiety

If your Bearded Dragon is not eating, it's not because he's just not hungry.
That's only the case if you're over-feeding your pet, and let's assume you've learned the right amount of food and food choices to feed your pet beardie so we can diagnose the real issue causing the problem - anxiety! When a lizard stops eating, it can be because it's uncomfortable in its surroundings.
It's normal for a Bearded Dragon to stop eating much, if at all when they're first introduced to their new habitat because they have to settle in.
But they should acclimate in a few days and return to their usual eating regimen.
The first thing you should do is see if your pet lizard is too hot.
Sometimes beardie owners turn the heat up too much, assuming their pet will like it because it's used to the dessert, but it can cause it to become dehydrated and upset.
Sometimes the cause of a Bearded Dragon eating problem is if it's impacted.
You need to find a good substrate for your pet to be on to help keep it regular.
Some beardie owners simply forget that their pet needs plenty of mixed vegetables and they feed them live prey only.
Make sure you put some greens and vegetables as well as plenty of water in the terrarium for your pet.
Foods have to be the right size, too.
Vegetables should be minced into small pieces and some harder vegetables should be cooked to soften them up for easier digestion.
Make sure the live prey isn't too big, either.
Sometimes if the pet owner doesn't clean the cage properly, the Bearded Dragon will stop eating until it's done to his liking.
Clean the terrarium out really good and put a fresh supply of water and foods in it to see if it starts eating again.

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