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Female bearded dragon laying eggs.
Watch the female bearded dragon so you will know when she lays her clutch. A clutch is a term for a group of bearded dragon eggs. The female will burrow into bedding or sand to lay the eggs. A bearded dragon will lay up to 50 eggs and usually no fewer than ten. - 2
Eggs in plastic container.
Remove the eggs from the tank very carefully. Do not turn them from their original position or upside down. Place them inside a plastic container that contains vermiculite that has been mixed with water. The ratio is four parts water and one part Vermiculite. Vermiculite is a mix of minerals that expand when heated. You can find it at pet stores or stores that sell reptiles as pets. The eggs need to be placed gently two thirds deep into the vermiculite water mixture. Be sure to punch air holes in the top of the container before putting the eggs inside. - 3
Styrofoam incubator.
Move the container with the eggs into the Styrofoam incubator that has a temperature of 84 degrees. Place the incubator in a slightly cooler room than the temperature in the incubator. This is important so that the incubator temperature will stay steady. A warmer room can raise the temperature and destroy the eggs. Use a thermometer to monitor the heat level regularly during incubation. - 4
Wait for the eggs to hatch. This happens in approximately two months. About one day before they actually hatch, the eggs will start to collapse in upon themselves. - 5
Baby bearded dragons
Leave the baby bearded dragons in the incubator for 24 to 36 hours after hatching. They can then be moved into an aquarium home. The new babies will need to eat about three days after birth.
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