Pets & Animal Reptiles

Leopard Gecko Habitats

One of the things you'll need if you want to properly care for your new pet leopard gecko is a proper habitat.
Geckos are sensitive to change, so you'll want to give your gecko the most comfortable new home possible.
Before you adopt a gecko, make sure that you have a habitat which can keep him or her a happy, healthy new member of your family.
This article will explain the basics of ensuring that your new pet has the right kind of habitat to call home.
The first step is to determine where the best spot is for your gecko's vivarium.
An adult gecko will need an aquarium which is at least 10 gallons with a mesh lid.
If you're planning to keep multiple geckos, then you'll need a larger aquarium to house them.
If you keep male and female geckos together, be prepared for babies! These pairs will mate if housed together.
You should avoid keeping two males or two females in the same aquarium, however - they will almost certainly fight.
Keep the gecko's natural habitat in mind when designing their new home.
These are desert animals, so sand is thought to be an absolute must; just make sure that the area where you feed your pet is kept clear of sand, since they can easily ingest this along with their food, leading to digestive trouble.
Look for sand which contains added calcium; this sand is specifically designed for use in lizard habitats and makes a healthier choice for your leopard gecko.
(I suggest not using sand if possible.
It may cause health problems.
Ceramic tile is a better choice) You can also use ceramic tile or shredded paper to line the vivarium.
If yours is a baby gecko, then you should probably line the vivarium with paper towels until your pet is a little older - when they're an adult you can switch to using a more suitable substrate.
Warmth is something else your gecko needs.
Unless you live in a particularly warm climate, you're going to need an under tank heater.
These heaters are meant to be attached to the bottom of your gecko's habitat and will keep one side of the aquarium warm so your pet can be warm or cool according to their needs.
An overhead light is also important; you can place this on a timer if necessary to replicate sunlight.
Decorating the tank is up to you.
A tree branch, rocks or other small pieces of wood can look good and give your leopard gecko an environment which feels like home to them - this will make your new gecko a happier and healthier pet.

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