Pets & Animal Reptiles

What You Need to Know About Bearded Dragon Enclosures

The bearded dragons enclosures is also known as tanks, terrariums, vivariums or cages and they can be either bought or constructed.
They vary in size depending on the size and number of beardies you intend to keep in one enclosure.
A glass aquarium type tank with screened top for ventilation is most suited for raising these pet lizards.
Here I will give you some important tips to furnish your bearded dragon's cage as closely as possible to its natural habitat that is warm arid sandy deserts.
The substrate: This is the bedding material of the cage floor.
Synthetic sand is better than real sand because if the lizards eat their food they could also swallow some sand with it causing stomach impaction.
Most hobbyists prefer newspaper as they easily cleaned and costs less.
The décor: The plants, rocks and branches, heat and lighting are all factors of their natural environment.
Bearded dragons love to climb.
Some of them will spend most of the day perched on a high rock or branch looking over their area.
You can place some limbs, branches, rocks and other climbing objects in the enclosure to enable the lizards to climb.
Make sure these objects are secure and not fall off injuring your dragons.
Pet stores do sell a variety of wood, rocks and artificial alternatives for plants.
Some use wood and rocks from out doors, which is fine, but precautions must be taken to avoid introducing diseases and parasites to your dragons.
Soak the materials in a strong solution of bleach and water for some 20 minutes then rinse thoroughly with plain water to remove the bleach.
You can do the same to sterilize objects bought from pet stores.
Allow the objects to dry out before placing in the cage.
Heating and lighting: Bearded dragons originate in the hot dry sandy interior of Australia.
They get long-drawn-out spells of basking under the scorching sun.
As soon as they reach the desired temperature, they move out of the sun to hide beneath a log or sand.
This is regulating temperature through behavior, which nearly all reptiles do to control their body temperature.
Temperature regulation: Bearded dragons have adapted to these high temperatures of the Australian desert, and can also withstand the temperature differences between day and night time.
Bearded dragons must be exposed to these high temperatures, as is available in the natural desert.
But intense heat that is continuous is not enough; the cage should be set up in such a way that the dragons can regulate their own temperature.
So keep the heating on one side of the cage only and the lizards can then move between the two ends to control this.
Enclosure size: A typical cage size for a pair of adult dragons should be more than 50 gallons.
Keep juveniles and hatch-lings in smaller tanks as you don't want them to run very far to catch their food.
A glass tank in most cases is better than plastic or screened meshed cages for many reasons.
One is glass can be cleaned easily and the beardies will not be able to climb up the sides.
Have a mesh on top though for ventilation.

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