Pets & Animal Reptiles

The Best Enclosure For a Bearded Dragon May Depend on Its Owner!

You'll want to make up your mind about whether you want to go to the effort of creating a custom Bearded Dragon enclosure or if you prefer to buy the pet's new habitat ready to go.
Do you have time and money to invest in making an inviting environment for your pet? When a Bearded Dragon gets into a new habitat, they can act very strange for awhile.
It can cause them a lot of anxiety, so they may not eat much, if at all.
Your pet will be looking for several important factors - one of which is temperature.
The best enclosure for your new beardie will be a warm one, at least 90 degrees.
If you have an outdoor enclosure and it dips down below that outside in your region, then you may either need a permanent home for your lizard indoors or a temporary shelter when the cold hits.
How much constant cleaning and care do you want to provide? With an indoor or outdoor enclosure, you're going to have a certain amount of cleaning, but an indoor one will require more because of space restraints and odor you won't want to put up with.
Choose a Bearded Dragon enclosure that suits your lifestyle as well as your wallet.
The size of the terrarium should be large enough to comfortably fit your new pet, which means measurements are important.
Make it comfy for your pet by including a sunbathing rock and some plants that won't harm it and your beardie will thrive with whatever you choose.

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