Are you an adventurer? Where is your first travel adventure? Have you prepared for it? If you like to travel, backpacking is the best way to see the world.
If this is your first adventure overseas, there are things you need to know first.
Here are some tips if you plan to go on an adventure on your own.
Learn about the country's customs and traditions It is very important you learn about the laws, customs, and traditions of the country you plan to visit before you leave.
Every city or state has its own laws and customs, so you had better read about them.
Even if you don't have plans to go to a certain city, you still should learn about it in case you change your mind.
Also, check if your destination of choice requires special paperwork or visas aside from your passport and have those ready.
Make sure to have your passport and other essential documents with you at all times.
It's also recommended to have several copies of your documents.
Hide these copies in different parts of your bag and make sure to have your bag with you at all times.
Also, leave a copy back home in case you lose yours.
Travel in comfort Waiting for your destination in a bus or a plane can be very frustrating.
What you can do is make time go by quickly by bringing books, a comfortable pillow, an eye cover, or anything that will let time fly by.
I load up my tablet with movies so I can watch them during long, boring trips.
Leave expensive things at home If you travel solo, better leave all your expensive things behind such as your watch, accessories, etc.
If you can't do that, bring with you cheaper versions of your expensive things.
Keep your shots up to date If you are backpacking into the great unknown, it is a good idea to get the right shots/vaccinations.
Vaccinations are expensive but they last for a long time and they will be very beneficial to your trip.
Also, each country has different immunization suggestions.
So get some shots first before you go to a specific country.
Bring an updated local map The minute you arrive at your destination, get your hands on the updated local maps soon as possible.
Let your friends or relatives know where you are at all times.
If you already have plans for where to go, leave a copy of those plans back home.
In this way, your friends or relatives will know where you are or where people need to look for you if something goes wrong.
Use your common sense Use your common sense.
Always stay in areas where there are a lot of people or in places that are well-known.
Be aware of the customs, traditions, cultures, and even wild animals in a particular area, and always stay on well-lit roads.
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