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The foundation chain matches the rectangle, plus stitches to turn to the first row.Jupiterimages/Polka Dot/Getty Images
Make a foundation chain of 12 stitches. Yarn over and work a double crochet in the sixth chain from the hook. The six chain stitches and the double crochet form the first square of the filet mesh. - 2). Chain one, skip one foundation chain, and work a double crochet in the next chain stitch to make the second mesh box. Repeat twice more to complete the first row of four meshes.
- 3). Chain four to turn and form the second and third sides of the first mesh of the second row. Yarn over and insert your hook in the top of the post of the first double crochet of the first row; work a double crochet there and chain one. Repeat across to the fourth mesh and work your double crochet into the space under the chain of the first square.
- 4). Repeat Step 3 for two more rows of four mesh boxes each. Chain three and turn.
- 5). Work a double crochet into the middle of the mesh box and another into the double-crochet post. Repeat across to the last double-crochet post. Work three double crochets into the mesh box at the end of the row and turn the corner. Work down the other side of the square in solid double crochets as you did across the first side, ending with two double crochets into the the last mesh box. Chain three and turn.
- 6). Double crochet in every double crochet back to the mitered corner square. Work one double crochet in the first of the three middle stitches and three double crochet in the middle stitch to turn back around the corner. Work even double crochets in the third corner stitch and each double crochet back to the turning chain of the first solid row. Remembering to work into the turning chain is what keeps the ends of such solid rows straight. Chain three and turn.
- 7). Work double crochet evenly across to the corner box. Double crochet in the first of the three stitches and just once in the second stitch. Chain three and turn. Work in solid double crochet over this side of the square for four more rows, taking care to match every double-crochet stitch post and work in the turning chains. End at the original corner and chain three.
- 8). Turn the work 90 degrees without flipping it. Work down the ends of the five rows just completed, making one double crochet around the post of each double crochet or turning chain and one double crochet in the top of each double crochet. Continue evenly down the original square, starting with one double crochet in the unused increase stitch at the corner and one in the side of that box.
- 9). Continue working one side or both of the rectangle. Mix more rows of mesh by making a turning chain of five stitches and double crochets in only every other stitch in a solid row. Mix in single mesh boxes by chaining one and skipping one stitch from the preceding row.
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