You are at a crossroad - you and your ex have broken up, and, although you are still madly in love with your ex - does your ex still love you? You are not quite sure what to do now.
You would love to get back together again, because you feel that you were made for each other, but you need to know for sure whether your ex feels the same way or not.
This is also difficult for you at the moment, because although you still love your ex, you are very hurt and angry after the break up - you both said some really bad things to each other, and you would prefer to not talk to your ex right now, but you are so afraid that waiting to talk to your ex will push him/her further away from you.
Let me tell you straight off, there is no way that your ex will be pushed further away from you if you don't make contact now.
This is the right thing to do - you both need time to get over the break up first, before you will know what your true feelings for each other are.
There are signs to look for that will let you know whether your ex does still love you or not.
If you're out with your friends, does your ex seem to pitch up every time? Is this pure coincidence, or is it planned? My guess is that it is planned - your ex makes a point of knowing where you are, so that he/she can be in the same place that you are.
This might go on for a few days, and then your ex will pluck up the courage to make contact with you - you will get an email, a text message, or a message through one of your friends.
Does your ex still love you? I would safely say a firm "yes!" Your ex would not do these things if he/she wasn't interested in you anymore.
Does your ex still love you? You've seen plenty of positive signs, he/she has made contact with you, and the next step could very well be a meeting to talk about getting back together again.
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