- 1). Unzip or unfasten the cushion cover and remove the padded insert. The zipper or other type of fastening is usually located at the back edge of the cushion in an inconspicuous spot.
- 2). Turn the cushion inside out.
- 3). Pinch the edges of the tear together. Push straight pins across the tear every 1/2 inch along the length of the tear.
- 4). Thread a needle with thread that matches the cushion cover's fabric and knot the end. The length of the thread should be at least three times the length of the tear.
- 5). Poke the needle through one edge of the tear into the other at one end of the tear. Continue poking the needle in one edge and out the other in short, tight stitches until you have sewn 1 inch of the tear back together. Use a simple straight stitch, which only requires you to poke up through both layers of fabric at the end of the repair and back down through both layers, alternating up and down and poking into the fabric every 1/8 inch.
- 6). Backstitch by sewing backwards along the tear back to the starting point and then forward again until you reach the end of the tear. Backstitching will strengthen your repair and prevent it from tearing again.
- 7). Backstitch again once you reach the end of the tear by sewing backwards for 1 inch and then forward again. Knot the thread and cut the excess with scissors.
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