You have always looked after your pet's welfare, especially when it comes to its health and physical well-being.
Dog flea is one of the biggest problems encountered by your pet so you will have to face the challenge of getting rid of fleas.
Fleas imbibed animal blood and can provoke countless problems, including: skin irritation, allergic reaction, anemia and in remote cases, even death.
By means of flea control, there are guides and methods given on getting rid of fleas.
Experts suggested these common procedures for removing fleas: * Inspect your dog daily to determine that it is bugged-free; better still, is to check for fleas and ticks on your dog after your outdoor walks.
* Search for those hideous fleas by using a flea comb dabbed with jelly petroleum so the fleas will stick to the tine.
* Carefully check your dog's toes, behind the ears, in the armpit, tail and head where fleas are usually congregating.
* To find out if your dog has fleas when bathing; spread a large white towel under the dog.
Fleas naturally fall off when you rinse the dog.
When you find fleas, flick them with alcohol-soaked cotton balls.
The solution will slow them down for you to catch the fleas easily.
Then place them in a cup of water and flash water down the toiler bowl or down the sink.
Natural prevention: A healthy dog is antidote for fleas and other parasites cannot affect them; healthy animals recoup from illness faster.
Parasites tend to pick unhealthy animals with weak immune system.
Remember that when your pets are stressful, like humans, their immune system weakens too.
Dietary method: Dogs must have their fill of nutritious diet.
In order to boost its immune system, include the following: * Mix one teaspoon (per 30 lbs.
of dog's weight) of brewer's yeast or nutritional yeast with their daily food.
* Give B complex vitamins at 50 mg.
once a day for smaller dogs and twice the amount for larger dogs.
* Dilute one tablespoon of organic apple cider in the dog's water dish.
* Mix one teaspoon of safflower oil or powdered kelp or seaweed in its food bowl.
* Blend grated garlic and mix in your dog's food; fleas are repelled by garlic odor.
Traditional methods for getting rid of fleas: * A flea collar has been an old stand-by and effective method.
Just be careful in using this with your dog; be sure to read the instructions carefully.
* Topical treatment is available from your veterinarian.
Frontline plus is a monthly topical flea and tick preventive for dogs.
Frontline for dogs kills 100% of adult fleas on your pets within 18 hours and 100% of all ticks within 48 hours.
It contains an insect growth S-methoprene which kills both adult fleas and larvae.
* Oral medication is also available from your veterinarian.
Oral medication is very effective for it makes larvae incapable of reproducing during their life cycle.
You can buy this from Petmed which is an online pet store offering pet supplies, medical products and supplements for your pets.
* Flea shampoo, balling dips, flea comb and flea powder are also effective applications to get rid of fleas.
These are ways of getting rid of fleas; easy and time-tested.
For more information, you can search the web.
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