Pets & Animal Dog Breeds

New Puppy Checklist - How to Avoid Problems by Using Your Puppy Playpen

Do you have a new puppy?If you do, you know what a delight they can be.
You also know that they can spell T-R-O-U-B-L-E! A new puppy can bring a lot of joy, but also a lot of problems into your life.
Get out your new puppy checklist and jot down some of these ways that you can avoid some of these problems by using your puppy playpen.
The Advantage of a Puppy Playpen when you have Small Children Have you seen your puppy become overly excited during play sessions with your young children?It is very easy for these sessions to get out of hand quickly.
Using your puppy playpen can be a good way to solve this problem.
When you let your puppy out of his playpen, you are there to supervise.
That means you can teach him good games, the right way to play, and stop him from aggressive behavior such as play biting.
You can also make certain that your small children don't tease him or teach him bad habits.
A puppy playpen can also be used to teach your puppy not to chase after running children, which will become a dangerous behavior if the pup becomes aggressive in his chase.
And, of course, that type of aggression can spell out danger not only now, but especially when your dog reaches full size.
A puppy cannot always join in every game with your children.
He must learn there are times when he has to sit by quietly and watch.
A great way of teaching this behavior is by using a puppy playpen.
Avoiding Problems Caused by an Overly Tired Puppy Puppies need their rest - particularly when they are young, over-stimulated or become over-excited.
Like any of us, when a young pup is over-tired he can become snappy and irritable.
Using the puppy playpen can prevent this.
Put your puppy in his playpen when he needs to rest.
Once he learns the routine he will go to his playpen and quickly settle down and go to sleep on his own.
And since we brought it up, sometimes your puppy will choose to go to his playpen because he wants to get away from your children!Give your pup this privacy and peaceful place to sleep when he needs it.
Be sure to add to your new puppy checklist that children should be taught not to disturb their puppy while he is resting in his playpen.
Using the Puppy Playpen to Overcome the Problem of Barking If your puppy starts barking while he is in his playpen it may mean he needs to go outside or you have left him in there too long.
Don't take him out and scold him when he barks - that will send him the wrong message and every time he wants out of his playpen he will bark.
You don't want to reinforce this bad habit.
Instead, ignore him until he quiets down.
Then you can take him quickly let him outside to go to the bathroom, or, if he does not need to go, you can choose to play with him.
Remember, the decision is yours, not his.
A puppy playpen is not cruel and should never be used to punish your dog.
Instead, when used correctly, it is a great training tool and will help you avoid a whole lot of problems during the training process.

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