Health & Medical Self-Improvement

Own Yourself: Greatness Every Moment You Can Do It

The best in life is achieved solely through winning, it does not matter how much seeming loss it may seem to take.
Note I said "seeming".
Sure, winning starts with beginning.
But it ends with keeping on.
Persistence, perseverance and all other great qualities kept constant create winning, and accelerate all achievement.
The mastery of time and circumstance comes through keeping on, not from quitting when it is "profitable" or getting out when it seems to be too "wild".
Going by external appearances does not lead to mastery, being creatively powerful and imaginative whatever the external appearances does.
The law I just mentioned in the last sentence is invariable, especially with a genuinely original and revolutionary idea that furthers things genuinely and ultimately.
The key to owning yourself and your life is serving in great and creative ways that work to further things and produce good and values for all, including yourself.
Sure, I could make it more complicated or "involved", but, the most powerful thing in the world is the simplest.
That powerfully, simple thing is effectively productive effort.
Effectively productive effort that works to further things is a form of power consciousness that ultimately makes everything win through revolution then evolution.
It could be a quiet change or a loud change for the better, but, make not a single mistake, when it is a change for the better that is the ultimate sign of the effectiveness of the effort.
Resolution to change things that does not quit or lose resolve is the power of the masterful mind that achieves everything.
That sort of ownership is the most powerful form of ownership there is.
For to really win, it is effective and productive effort all the way through.
Indeed, the only loss there is really is quitting or retirement.
Creatively, existence does not have death or retirement, it is always going, and when you make yourself one with existence, indeed, there is not any retirement or real death, just evolving forms of effort.
So, the real slavery is limiting yourself and not owning your efforts.
Just to do a job is not enough.
But to produce genuinely and with power is everything.
To really achieve and invest, you must lift your thoughts above just a job, and get genuinely consciously creative and productive.
Call it the road to real riches in life and existence.
Greatness every moment you can do it is owning what you do fully anyway.

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