Health & Medical Self-Improvement

Getting Out of Your Own Way

Believe me I speak from experience; it's so easy to get into these habits of not being authentic, of just sweeping it under the carpet saying it'll be all right and I guess we can get along.
I mean you can do that, a lot of people are, most people are doing that in my observation.
It does take courage, it does take guts, it takes heart to be who you are, it's so amazingly ironic all of this work is so ironic and paradox and you'll start to see that I mean immediately here we are step one, and we're already there.
As my friend Neil and Donna Walsh likes to say, "Since the beginning of time all we have ever wanted is to love and be loved.
Since the beginning of time all we have stopped from happening is to love and be loved.
" Isn't that amazing? Isn't that so true? It is just is.
This is when we're going to stop, were going to take off the mask and go this is who I am, and I need your support.
This is not having people tell you what to do, it's not having people live your life, it's not having people set your goals for you, and it's about getting out of your own way and seeing you for who you are.
Remember the analogy I always give, the fun house mirror, how that distorts you, and remember how you can't see your own eyes from looking from within yourself? You can't, I don't care how smart, cute, or funny you are, and you can't see your own eyes from looking from within yourself.
You have to go to an outside source, a mirror.
In this case it's a person who can see your eyes and go no they're blue, they're not brown they're blue.
Everybody is telling me they're brown or they're blue.
I didn't know that and we don't.
Isn't it amazing that you can accept praise from someone else so much easier than you can accept it from yourself? Isn't it also amazing it's easier to praise someone else then praise yourself? Can't you see so much good stuff in other people and you can almost never see it in you? It's the same with everybody.
You must allow that, this is such a bizarre teaching, it's really weird, and believe me I tried everyway to get around this step, because I know how annoying this is, that the very first thing we have to do is go to other people.
Wouldn't it be nice to just do it yourself?

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