Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

Things That Turn A Guy On: 3 Hot Ways To Attract Any Guy

Want to discover the things that turn a guy on? Read on…

Girls put a lot of work into looking good for men. They pore over magazines, shop for hours for that perfect date dress, and learn how to use make-up - all for the sake of getting a guy’s attention.

Unfortunately, not all men know how to appreciate these efforts. And it’s not necessarily because they don’t like you, but only that they don’t really know the difference. These guys are more bewitched by the typical things that turn a guy on - very simple, and to be quite frank, very primal and instinctive.

To help you blow your guy’s mind a little more, here are some pointers.

1) A Challenge

Guys are always turned on by girls they consider to be unattainable. They see the whole situation as something of a challenge and are easily tempted into trying to get what they can’t easily have.  This is one of the main things that turn a guy on.

So how do you project this image? Well, first of all, don’t entertain him too much. Let him be the one to entertain you. When he attempts at conversation, react but don’t give away too much. A barely there smile ought to do the trick.

2) Stimulating Visuals

Dressing sexy is showing off a little skin and leaving the rest of the package up to the boys’ imagination. And believe me, guys are suckers for their own imagination.

If you’re wearing a tank top or a tube top, make sure your bottom half is more covered. Resist the urge to wear a micro mini skirt to go with your barely-there top. There’s a thin line between sexy and slutty. You’d want to stick to sexy (trust me). Being attractive without giving too much (body parts) away on public is one of the crucial things that turn a guy on.

3) Intelligence

You don’t have to act like a bimbo to turn a guy on. You’ll only end up attracting the wrong sort of men or losing the guy of your dreams.

Intelligence and opinion are pretty sexy. Guys are no longer attracted to girls with no brain. They are more inclined towards those with a good head on their shoulder, and those who actually have something to say and can keep a conversation going.

When guys get together, they often only talk about the girls they’ve gone out with or women they’re currently dating. In my experience, girls with smarts get the thumbs up and those with nothing else going for them end up the joke of the night.

Now that you know the basic things that turn a guy on, you’re more than ready to waltz out there and test yourself. Don’t be afraid to rise up to the challenge of turning on any guy you want.

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