Getting addicted stars with a single simple action.
Getting addicted may start by chance, or a simple genuine curiosity.
Once, twice, ten times, three times a day, then, the action gets more and more frequent until "It's a pleasure.
I need it more and more every day," until you do not realize that you are on an addicted level, until you can control yourself no more.
All addictions are the same at some point.
Your common sense tells you that what you do is bad, harmful.
You have comprehended that your action must be stopped.
However, one side of you also tries to convince you that "It's fun," "It's OK, I need it.
" This side of you keeps telling you that you love it, you need it, that you cannot live without it, that your live is empty if you do not have it, or that it gets rid of your boring time.
So, you love your addiction.
You cannot control your common sense and your body.
You may feel guilty but you love the sensation more, and you end up with committing the same action, again and again.
The question remains: When does your soul can be free from any kind(s) of addiction(s) that you develop? The answer is definitely: It is when the true love overtakes your entire world.
It is the true love for the new habits.
You must embrace the new positive habits which are more powerful than your negative addiction.
Even though it may be difficult at first, but you know that you can do it.
If you can love your addiction, you must be able to love the positive habit(s).
It is just as the fact that your addiction starts from a small simple action then increasing gradually, that is how you must embrace the new habit(s) as well.
You should be brave to take a single simple action to hate your addiction and replace it by a new positive action.
You must not stop there.
You should then let the positive action becomes your new habit, hating the negatives and embracing the positives.
You must remember that the true love is never really painful since it always generate joy, peace, and other positive results.
When you reach this point, you are a conqueror of your addiction, a conqueror of yourself.
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