Family & Relationships Marriage & Divorce

Seasons of Love: What Season Is Your Relationship Currently Experiencing?

In my part of the world, autumn has arrived.
The days are becoming shorter and the temperature is slowly dropping.
I welcome the falling leaves, the crisp evenings and the lowering of the sun.
I also take the time to reflect on the concept of the relationship cycle.
You see, not only does our planet experience seasons, but many relationship experts also use the metaphor of a seasonal cycle to explain the stages of an intimate relationship.
These relationship seasons do not necessarily coincide with the timings of the planet's seasons, yet they represent very similar themes of growth, definition, birthing and hibernation.
So what does it all mean? Let's begin with spring...
Spring is the time of dating and courting.
Just as the seeds of a flower will start to flourish at this time, this is where relationships too will show strong signs of growth, connection and love.
Couples in the heart of spring will be experiencing lightness, variety, fun and a sense of significance surrounding the relationship.
It's the falling-in-love stage.
And for those that have been together for a long time, it's the falling-in-love-all-over-again stage.
Everything becomes fresh and new in the spring, with a powerful sense of movement towards new beginnings.
There is passion and a burning sense of desire.
Spring then leads into the summer.
Summer is where the roles within the relationship become defined, or re-defined for those couples that have been together for long periods of time.
Routine's become established and there is a strong sense of teamwork, certainty and stability.
It is vital at this stage that the re-defined roles take the relationship to a new level where both parties are excited about the direction of the relationship's vision.
The couple recognises that the flowerbed needs watering and a continued sense of attention and care.
Teamwork makes this possible.
There will be increased excitement during the summer and a strong sense of belonging.
Next comes autumn.
Autumn is the time for birthing and the reaping of rewards.
This cycle segment is about giving love, attention and focus to something outside of the relationship, whether it's the birth of a child, the building of a new home or the idea for a new family business.
During the autumn couples spend time setting lots of goals and re-defining the vision of the relationship.
What is it they want to give birth to next? Perhaps they'll plan a trip or buy a new pet.
The defining theme of the segment is the giving of love to something outside of the relationship, defined by nurturing, protection and love.
It is time to pick the flowers and enjoy their beauty.
Finally, winter completes the relationship cycle.
This is the stage of the cycle where things may begin to feel stagnant, still and flat.
Nothing has really changed for a while and routine may become boring.
There may not have been any change or growth in the relationship for sometime, therefore the need for completion, reflection and a sense of planning for spring is key.
This is the stage of the relationship cycle where couples will often seek third-party support to guide their relationship back into the spring.
This is also the stage of the cycle where relationships may end if the couple cannot identify any signs of light for the approaching season.
This season can often be characterized by a death or loss, yet not in a negative way.
Rather, the loss is more of a cleansing process where the old way of doing things is cleared out and makes way for new, more empowering celebrations of love.
Perhaps the flowerbed will die, yet the space will be cleared for the next garden creation.
The winter season is a time of hibernation and reflection.
A commitment to change will then drive the relationship back into the spring.
And so the cycle will repeat.
Just as the seasons of the planet come and go in a natural flow, so do the seasons of a relationship.
The difference is how long do you spend at each stage? How will you acknowledge your relationship flow? How do you plan for the next cycle to ensure continued fulfillment and happiness? Have a think about your own relationship right now.
Where do you believe you are at in terms of the seasons of love? If you are in the midst of winter, perhaps it is time to commit to some relationship growth to rediscover the excitement of spring.
Because when we know more, we can do more.

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