It is when that feeling starts to hunt your mind that something is not completely right with your spouse, when you start to wonder if it could possibly be they are having an affair. You start to go over things in your head, over the suspicious behavior and how they have changed in recent months. You start to wonder what is really going on. You might even try to talk to your spouse, if they are feeling Ok but they respond like everything is fine, but you know it in your heart that something is wrong.
Statistics show that around 60% of men and 40% of women have an affair at least once during their marriage. Statistics also show that only around 20% of spouses find out of the affair, which means that around 80% of spouse that have an unfaithful partner have no clue of the betrayal that is going on behind their back.
This can in some way be explained with human nature. The person we have chosen to live with, trust and love for the rest of our lives is not supposed to betray that trust, or so we deceive our self's. If we look closer the signs of infidelity are both many easy to spot as they are very hard to hide, at least long-term.
If you suspect that your partner is having an affair you will have to take some hard decisions about how you are going to find out the truth, to investigate your spouse behind their back is never easy to do, but something you might have to do if you want to find out the truth.
There are also further steps to infidelity than to just discovering the truth. You have to think about what your response will be once you find out: how are you going to confront your partner? Are you willing to confront them and risk being wrong? How you are going to deal with the negative emotions if you were right? What are you going to do with your relationship; are you willing to give it another chance or is it over once you find out? If you want to give your spouse another chance there are a number of different factors you will have to be aware that are crucial if you want to find closure and get over the affair, such as if your spouse is really worth the second chance and what if they had a child during their affair.
The emotional and mental backlash of finding out of an affair is extreme. People find themselves in a rollercoaster of emotions as they grieve their spouse. It is therefore very hard to actually decide that you want to find out and as the statistics show not many actually dear to take that step as you will have to be brave and take some hard decisions.
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