Society & Culture & Entertainment Hobbies & Science

How to Make a Model Magnetic Car

    • 1). Remove the drawer from a small matchbox and empty all the matchsticks out of it. Put the matchsticks somewhere safe, away from the reach of children.

    • 2). Insert a magnet into the drawer and tape it to the drawer using a piece of electrical tape. Use a magnet not much smaller than the drawer.

    • 3). Replace the drawer into the matchbox and tape the drawer shut using electrical tape.

    • 4). Cut two drinking straws to fit the width of the matchbox and attach them to the matchbox on opposite ends of each other with multipurpose glue. Allow the glue to dry.

    • 5). Cut the sulfuric tips off of two matchsticks with the scissors and insert the matchsticks into the drinking straws. The matchsticks should extend from either end of the straw about ¼-inch.

    • 6). Draw four 1.5-inch diameter circles on a piece of cardboard using a compass. Puncture the center of the circles all the way through the cardboard using the needle of the compass.

    • 7). Cut the circles out with the scissors to make the wheels.

    • 8). Attach a wheel to each of the matchsticks by pushing the end of the matchstick through the hole at the center of the wheel.

    • 9). Apply a small piece of play dough to the tip of the matchstick that sticks out beyond the wheel. This will keep the wheel on the matchstick while allowing the wheel to turn freely.

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      Place the model magnetic car on a thin, glass or acrylic table top and place another magnet of the same size as the magnet inside the matchbox under the table top. If the poles facing each other are the same, the model car will push away on its own once you place the second magnet under the table. If the poles facing each other are opposite, the model magnetic car will only move when you move the magnet under the table top.

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