- 1). Click the Windows "Start" menu to open it.
- 2). Click "Control Panel" to open the Control Panel. A list of categories will appear.
- 3). Click "Printers and Other Hardware" and then click "Mouse" to display the "Mouse Properties" dialog window.
- 4). Click the "Buttons" tab. The "Buttons" tab allows you to adjust your mouse's double-click speed. Drag the slider in the "Speed" section to the left to decrease the speed or to the right to increase the speed. Double-click the folder icon to test the settings. Continue to adjust the speed settings until you are comfortable with the double-click speed.
- 5). Click the "Pointers" tab. To replace your mouse pointer with a new one, click the drop down box under "Scheme" and select a new pointer. Choices include Hands, 3D-White and Old Fashioned. Click "Apply" to preview the cursor that you select.
- 6). Click the "Pointer Options" tab. If your cursor moves too slowly, drag the slider under "Select a Pointer Speed" to the left. This will slow down the cursor as you move it across the screen. To speed up the cursor, drag the pointer to the right.
- 7). Put a check mark next to "Enhance Pointer Precision" to enhance the precision of the mouse pointer.
- 8). Put a check mark next to "Automatically move pointer to the default button in a dialog," if you want your mouse to move to default buttons in a Windows dialog automatically. Microsoft suggests selecting this option if you have a notebook computer. Click "Apply" if you make changes. (see reference 2, search for "notebook")
- 9). Click the "Wheel" tab. These options affect the way pages scroll when you move your mouse wheel. Increase the value of the number in the text box to make your mouse's scroll wheel faster. Decrease the value to slow down the scroll wheel.
- 10
Test your new settings using a browser, notepad or any application that you frequently use. If pages scroll too quickly or the mouse pointer speed does not feel comfortable, readjust the mouse settings. - 11
Return to the "Mouse Properties" window and click "OK" to finalize your changes and close the window.
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