Pets & Animal Dog Breeds

The Right Home Remedies For Dogs

Home remedies for dogs can save you a lot of money in vet bills, if you get the right ones.
By right ones I mean the ones that are actually effective.
It doesn't do any good to use remedies that do not work regardless of whether you made it at home or it was something the vet prescribed.
The whole point is to make the animal better and if it doesn't do that then it's just a waste of time.
With all the side-effects and potential hazards involved in some of the medicines that you can get from the vet; it's no wonder people are using home remedies for dogs.
At least most of them are not hurtful.
The worst they can do is not work at all.
Also, most modern medicines are only treating the symptoms not the cause.
The biggest problem with that is that you could find that your beloved pet is stuck on some expensive medicine for a long time that will eventually be less effective because their bodies build up a tolerance to it.
When that happens, it's even worse because the cause of the symptoms is still there.
Not a very efficient way of getting results, but modern medicine does this a lot and not just with animals.
I know many, many people on medications that have been, and will be on it for long time.
The only thing that changes is their dosages go up over time because our bodies build up immunity to certain things too so the smaller dose is less effective.

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