The art of meditation is practiced in one form or another throughout the civilized world.
For the people who practice this ancient art, they will say that this reflection on their inner selves is an important part of their daily lives.
This ancient art is also gaining popularity in today's busy world, and provides a means for people to reduce stress while increasing the ability to focus on the harmony between the body and mind.
This begs the question, how do you meditate? Did you know that two of the best ways to start learning is through guided mediation audio or Yoga nidra meditation techniques? This article will focus on these two techniques that will increase your mental clarity and reduce the stress in your life.
Reflection techniques In today's turbulent times, many people are searching for ways to deal with all the stress in both their public and private lives.
One method is directed by another individual to the student by teaching them through media sources such as audio mp3 devices or visual DVD's.
This is probably the best method for the beginner who may seem overwhelmed with all of the different techniques.
With guided meditation a narrator leads the person through various physical and mental journeys that focuses on breathing and reflection among other things.
However, before you begin the lessons you will need to prepare yourself for the experience.
Preparations The preparation for the various techniques is an important part of the overall success of the program.
Before you even begin to use the media sources you will have to create a space that will not be disturbed during the session.
Your clothing will also need to be taken into consideration; loose and comfortable clothing allows the individual the benefits of concentrating both mentally and physically.
Finally, limit the amount of time that you will spend for each session to whatever you are personally content with; thirty minute sessions are a good start.
Visualization for relaxing Most people look for meditation techniques that will help them to relax ant the end of their day.
This is where the visual DVD's are a great way for individuals to learn relaxation techniques.
The DVD's provide examples of peaceful scenes such as cascading waterfalls and undisturbed images of nature that has a calming effect on the mind.
The ability to use the DVD's at home allows anybody to find the time for the purposes of relaxing and unwinding from the normal stressors during the day.
Yoga sleep Another method for beginners is yoga nidra, which when translated means "yoga sleep.
" This technique is best described as an individual inner consciousness remaining observant while the mind and body is fully relaxed.
This is accomplished with a series of steps the individual takes using visualization to relax the body and mind, and evokes positive emotions to open and access the unconscious mind.
The visualization is done with positive thoughts of calm images in the mind much like the DVD's, except the images are imagined.
This method is ideal for people who get very stressed out in their daily life.
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