- 1). Download and install GCFScape (see Resources).
- 2). Open your Steam directory. This is where you installed Steam, most commonly under "C:\Program Files\Steam." Double-click "steamapps" to open the folder. Double-click "counter-strike.gcf," and GCFScape will open this file.
- 3). Navigate to the "maps" folder in the "cs" folder via the left-hand pane. Right-click "maps" and choose to "Extract." Click to extract in "portal\portal." Repeat with the "scenes" folder within "cs."
- 4). Launch "Portal." Press the tilde (~) key and type in the following commands:
map x
sv_cheats 1
impulse 101
Change "x" to the name of any "Counter-Strike" map. For example, to open the "Estate" map, type "map cs_estate." This will load a "Counter-Strike" map, and you will hold the Portal Gun by default.
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