Health & Medical Self-Improvement

Time Management - Overcome the Pressure of Time and Invest It Wisely!

Time management is an important life skill.
Time is precious; we never seem to have enough of it.
More than that, we tend to be overcome with the pressure of time, as we continually find our "to do" list filled with too many tasks and not enough time to finish them.
Sound familiar? Well, why not choose to overcome the pressure of time, rather than let it overwhelm you? You can manage your time and take control of your life.
"Make the most of every opportunity.
" -- Colossians 4:5 NIV
Time is a Gift - Do You Use It Wisely? Time is one of the valuable gifts God has given us.
And even though we may be aware that each day is a gift, none of us know how much of it we have left to use on this earth.
We are encouraged to use our time wisely in Psalm 90 verse 12: "So teach us to number our days, that we may present to You a heart of wisdom.
" The question is: What are you doing with your days? Time Wasted or Time Invested? When analyzing how we manage our time, we will most likely find that much of it is spent on "time wasters.
" "Time wasters" are those things that soak up our time and distract us from accomplishing our goals.
Games, TV, Facebook, email, phone calls, and surfing the web are all common "time wasters" these days.
And if you are procrastinating tackling your "to do" list, these distractions can easily take up way too much of the day.
The next thing we'll probably notice is that a lot of our time is spent on the daily maintenance tasks of life.
Not the most exciting activities to do, but yet necessary.
Keep in mind: without a vision of the future, we can easily get caught up in doing things today that lack lasting investment.
One of the most important principles, in our walk with God here on earth, is that time and activities spent for His kingdom have eternal value.
Investing the time God has given us in kingdom work is not only satisfying, but will see everlasting rewards.
Time Management Tips Managing your time gives you power.
Disciplining yourself to improve this skill will reap life-long benefits.
The following time management tips will help you get started.
Make a "to do" list of the things you need to accomplish.
Prioritize the list and put a "P" in front of the main three to four priority items that need to be accomplished for the day.
Focus the first part of your day accomplishing the priority items.
Refuse to be distracted by "time wasters.
" Remove distractions as much as possible in order to complete the priority items.
Motivate yourself to complete the priority items first by considering how great you'll feel once you have accomplished them.
Schedule time for leisure activities and remind yourself they will be a reward to look forward to once you have completed your priority tasks.
Ask God to help you throughout the day.
Word of warning: don't let the seemingly endless "to do" list cloud your vision and make everything seem like a chore, especially when it comes to relationships.
Time spent in relationships is a valuable investment.
This is no less true when it comes to spending time with the Lord.
The truth is, we don't have to perform for God when we spend time with Him.
It should not be a chore.
He wants us to be still and to know that He is God.
Spending time in His presence will result in joy.
Regardless of how busy our lives become, we must guard our time with Him.
Are you starting to see the light? Time is a precious gift to be valued.
How we invest our lives demonstrates where our heart is and reveals what is most important to us.
Overcome the pressure of time by learning to manage it and invest it wisely.
May you invest your time wisely and enjoy a life of growing prosperity!

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