Dear Loved Ones,Welcome to Spirituality Inside and Out and the Daily Universal Insights.
We do appreciate and welcome your presence in this world and into this community of Love and Oneness.
I love you.
I love you.
I love you.
Every Day is a New Day Every day is a new day.
Every day is a new beginning.
Do you want to make up for the harsh words said yesterday? Do you want to grab this opportunity today to make things right? Do you want to advance in your consciousness today and every day? Do you know that Right where you are at this moment is the moment of creation? And do you know that it is all up to you how you wish to create this moment? Do you know that in this moment is the perfect time for you to be reading this Insight? Because Right where you are, and where I am, is the perfect opportunity for you to take responsibility and make a Grand gesture to yourself to Self-create from this moment.
Are you lacking in your personal life? Create a new possibility of Healthy living for yourself by knowing where you are and where you would like to be in your thoughts, actions and deeds.
What does it take for you to get what you want? What does it take for you to shift and move to the next level? And what attribute do you want to recreate within you to prosper and manifest your Heart's desire.
Attributes such as Love, Patience, Forgiveness, Peace, Generosity, Compassion, Power, Healing, Passion, Adventure, Trust, Faith, Understanding, Strength, Courage, Commitment, Fun, Abundance, Possibilities, Awareness, Friendship, Care, Openness, Transformation, Kindness, Authenticity, Integrity, Honor, Vitality, Perfect Health, Prosperity, Wealth, Unity, Oneness, Light and so on..
Can you imagine the outcome of these attributes in your life as they unfold within the realm of all Creation? How would you feel when you can accomplish your goals and cause your vision to occur? How do you benefit from your Light and how does the whole planet and all of Gods creations benefit from your True Self revealing itself moment by moment? AWESOME! REMARKABLE! UNFORGETTABLE! RE-NEWNESS! LIFE! HAPPINESS! WHOLENESS! You are all that you perceive your role models to be.
You have it all in you as you.
Make it happen by your own true will to cause a Magnificently Enlightening life for yourself and others.
GOD and All that is has your back.
Trust and the Trust is yours.
You own it in you and in your life.
How remarkable it is to know that we all have the Inspiration Inside of us.
All we have to do is to connect to the attribute that creates our day.
For example today you want Peace, Please go ahead and connect mentally to being peaceful and declare the possibility of being Peaceful today.
And that all will occur smoothly and live from this state of mind.
Your test is your test of belief and keeping your word to yourself no matter your surroundings, you see.
You are at cause.
So keep your cool no matter what because you said this is what you want you and your day to be.
You are so Wise, use your Wisdom every day.
Create a New everyday in every way.
Every day is a New day.
Move through as you are the creator of your day and the result is what you claim it to be.
With Love and Excitement for your New day I say and So it is.
Bless you.
I love you.
I love you.
I love you.
Please feel free to forward and share these Insights with your family, friends, associates, helpers, boss, teachers, students and enemies to create a space of openness to create Oneness.
May the love and light of God and the Universe surround, protect and heal you, your loved ones and the planet earth.
With Love, Gratitude and Respect, Michelle Morovaty Truly, With God All Things Are Possible © Copyright 2007 Spirituality Inside and Out, LLC
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