Health & Medical Self-Improvement

Learn From the Past

To learn from past is a valuable way to prevent repeating those mistakes.
If we will take the experience of others and how they responded to their situations many of our problems will be averted.
There is no need to repeatedly make wrong decisions others have already faced when we can follow a better path and avoid the pain they suffered.
There are many benefits to considering the things that have occurred in the past.
Doing this will give us insights and examples of how events and circumstances have not only shaped characters but also influenced history.
How different would the world be if certain decisions hadn't been made as they were or someone else had been the controlling factor? What if Adam hadn't eaten the fruit, if Noah wasn't righteous, if Moses didn't part the Red Sea or if Jesus hadn't died on the cross, where would any of us be now? Life as we know it would be very different, and that isn't even considering more modern events.
Amazingly the places we receive input from the past are wide and varied.
We gain knowledge of how people's attitudes and personalities affected their existence through written accounts and biographies.
How they touched others through the telling of stories passed down through generations, and the things people have personally witnessed and experienced.
The list is endless and continues growing as we consider how we learn about events, the involvement of others and their endeavors.
The lessons we learn which affect us most are those coming from our own experience.
We do learn from those in the past but no lesson is learned so well as the one we face and must contend with.
Our own problems and mistakes and how we coped and dealt with them is the basis for our greatest education.
Whether we were a success or failure isn't as important as the teaching we received and we won't soon forget them.
Those times are etched in our memories and stay with us constantly, ready to be recalled should a similar situation arise.
This should be a means to correct or actions but to often we still make the same errors.
Each of us needs to examine the lives of those who have gone before us and view the circumstances they faced.
Don't let those things fall on deaf ears and proud hearts; they are available for our learning.
Listen and heed their council, there is wisdom to be gained from the past and the voice experience contains knowledge.

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