Health & Medical Self-Improvement

Deception Detection Techniques: How to Spot Lies With Deception Detection Techniques

We have different ways of communicating with people—the verbal and the non-verbal. Unfortunately, we have already learned how to get around the traps of verbal communication. Some of us have even mastered the art of telling lies. However, controlling our non-verbal actions are a little bit harder to manipulate. This is where deception detection techniques come in.

These techniques will help you determine whether a person is telling the truth or making something up. And while most of these deception detection techniques rest on non-verbal cues, there are some verbal indicators you can look out for.

Voice Quality

You can start trying to figure things out by listening to the person’s voice. Does it crack or change from the normal pitch?

We’ve all seen images on television where a character experiences a change in voice tone whenever he or she is telling a lie. These examples are all accurate. Sometimes, the voice gets louder. Sometimes, it gets smaller.

Body Language

Lying is not natural for us. This is why a liar, especially an inexperienced one, freezes up whenever he or she is in the middle of telling something false.

As mentioned earlier, deception detection techniques rest a lot on non-verbal cues. By being just a bit more observant, you’ll be able to decide whether what you’re hearing is the truth or not.

Eye Contact

They say that people who are lying cannot look you straight in the eye. But what if you’re dealing with seasoned liars here? And what about introverts and extroverts?

Well, deception detection techniques will tell you to first understand what kind of person you’re dealing with. If the liar is an introvert, he or she is likely not to meet your eyes. On the other hand, if your liar is an extrovert, he or she may confidently look into your eyes more.

Reading people is a cinch with these deception detection techniques. The indicators may be simple, but they are pretty accurate. So the next time you find yourself uncertain about something, try to listen and observe for any unnatural changes.

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