Is there really such a thing as reincarnation? If so, then why don't we remember our past lives?To start with, there's the possibility that our forgetfulness is due to a bit of cosmic mercy. Our fragile minds probably couldn't simultaneously process all the memories: the joys, pains,
This is Part 2 in a series of articles on Spiritual Awakening. Part 2 discusses what a spiritual awakening is and what to expect. If you're feeling as though you're 'losing it' and going crazy or losing your memory, you're likely experiencing symptoms of a spiritual awakenin
One of my mother's favourite "motivational" sayings - and she had dozens! - was "Think of all those starving children in Africa." My mother also was the ultimate altruistic Canadian. Yet, she defied the results of recent research, which claims that people are happier when th
We have among ourselves a means to successfully develop a very useful strategy which can effectively enhance the way that you take down notes as well as to improve the manner in which you approach and resolve everyday problems. This method is referred to as mind mapping.
Here is an example I came up with to further illustrate how your perception works in the non-physical. Meaning, as a consciousness, you can only experience that which you experience within the paradigm of the sum of what you've experienced previously. And it also illustrates the subjective natu
Life is more grand and wonderful than we can imagine as long as we agree to the illusion we find ourselves in. There is so much more happening then what meets our five physical senses. Find the inner you and you find again your innate childlike wonderment with everything in life.
Do you have a dream or vision that God has given you and you are uncertain about how to get there? Is your vision unclear? Are you in transition, so far the directions have been clear, but now the vision is unclear? There are times in pursing your life's purpose or pursuing success when your vi
Have you ever read the book The Secret? It is one of the best sellers that talks about the law of attraction. This law simply states that if you want to have something in your life, you must first manifest it in your mind. It may seem simple, but many people still fail to make this law works for the
This article is part of an article series that answers your biggest questions about prayer. This part discusses the effectiveness of praying with others.
Each of us is only able to handle so many demands at any one time.The key to success is knowing how much we can handle and sticking to those limits.If you load to many things on your plate, it will start to crumble and the things most important to us will start to fall through the cracks.
There is a distinction between "coaching" and "feedback".Coaching is the personal manner in which the data is offered.Feedback is the data or information given.
How To Think About Teenagers-Part I I'm a child psychologist. This includes training about teenagers. Teens, by definition, are still children from the ages of thirteen to the day before they turn eighteen. Nineteen year ...
There are a lot of accidents that take place on an everyday basis and a lot of folks do not know the correct channel to follow to get the claim. The lawyers are meant to ...
There are many articles on how to increase happiness therefore it might be worth writing one on how to become unhappy. Following is a list of seven convenient and frequently used methods of becoming unhappy on a sustainable basis:
Have you had situations like I have where in retrospect, the most difficult times in your life or the most challenging situations in your business have turned out to be great gifts?
To be effective in sales, we really need to master understanding people and what makes them tick.We have to use a full complement of techniques to help our prospects and clients make the right decisions for their success.
This has been an age-old question and many people have asked this time and time again. So what is the meaning of life? And how do I know what I am speaking about?
Do you shy away from conflict and confrontation? Would you go out of your way to avoid these things all together? Does it sometimes seem like your emotions move out of your control when you are faced with conflict or confrontation?
Have you ever wondered how you can change your feelings? You've probably heard it said that your feelings are an indicator of where you are in relationship to your desires. But how do you change your feelings in a positive way?