A lot of people do not get anywhere in life in spite of seeming to have everything going for them in life.
So what is it that truly sets apart the average man from the extraordinary human being? The answer is short and simple - the real secret of success lies in self-esteem.
Thinking is being.
Believe it or not, merely working to develop a heightened sense of self-esteem can help bestow success on your life! Pessimism and lack of self-confidence only causes more anxiety and tension, leading to failure in all tasks you ever take up.
Once you break out of your vicious cycle of self-doubt, you develop great self-confidence, which automatically makes you virtually unstoppable in any field you intend to pursue! All of us are born with tremendous potential in a particular field.
We all deserve to taste the sweet flavor of success due to us in this lifetime and it is our duty to go after that success! Now, where do we get started with this quest for success? Everything in this Universe is right within us.
Remember, in this cosmos, the macro is the micro.
Hence, if we desire love and respect from other people, we must learn to love and respect ourselves first and foremost.
There is definitely at least one thing we do not really like about ourselves.
So what can be done about it? We can follow either of two routes here - change that thing we dislike about ourselves or just learn to accept and love ourselves the way we are.
oAccept yourself Of course, there are certain things you just cannot change.
For example, if your problem is overweight, you have many options to try and lose it.
But if you feel inferior because you may not be good-looking enough, you need to get over it by changing your own thinking.
Concentrate on some other aspect of yourself that shines forth in the social circuit.
If you have ready wit or a great sense of humor for instance, show it off in public and you will be amazed at how soon you become the most popular person at any party! oBe well-heeled The whole world loves an elegant dresser.
This does not mean that you immediately need to hit those hi-fi designer boutiques in your locality.
Merely taking a bit more trouble to look and smell good goes a long way to creating the first good impression.
Make sure to keep the hair clean and well-styled, wear neatly ironed clothes and always wear a hint of pleasant perfume.
Further, maintaining an erect posture and smiling countenance will, by itself, create a feeling of well-being for you.
oGive and thou shalt receive! Give in plenty - complements, that is! Keeping to yourself all the time in a work or social environment never ever pays.
It is easy to win others' hearts by just being nice to them.
Make it a habit to comment positively about people and acknowledge their pluses.
Complementing others will allow them to open up to you and return the favor.
Hearing others saying good things about you in turn, works wonders on your self-confidence.
oWork on your minuses Know what your weak points are and systematically work on them.
For instance, if you are shy and reticent by nature, do something about it.
You could maybe join a personality development course or a public speaking course.
This will help you get out of your self-imposed shell and mingle around freely with others.
Make direct eye contact with the other party and smile more often - that in itself will project an image of utter self-confidence and control.
oNegate that fear complex Most people withdraw into themselves for the sheer fear of societal rejection.
If this is the case with you, learn to deal with that fear and negate it altogether, so it stops affecting your life.
The most important thing here is to start enjoying who and what we do.
If you have stage fright, go face a huge audience.
You may be left shaking for the first couple of minutes, but you will be pleasantly surprised to see how quickly that silly phobia melts away! Counteract this thing called fear and show it who the boss is! Soon enough, you will feel your confidence levels rising and feel right on top of the world! Snap out of that under-confidence and open your life up to a wonderful new world of immense opportunities.
Increase your self-esteem and see how life changes for the better for you!
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