For anyone who is contemplating having a breast augmentation, the term gummy bear implants may have come up a couple of times.
Although the term may be funny, the implants themselves are no laughing matter.
Gummy bear implants are the referred to terminology to cohesive jail implants.
As of currently, cohesive jail implants have been around in excess of a decade and were developed by Dr.
Steven Teitelbaum to create a longer lasting more natural enhancement.
The reason they have become known as gummy bear implants is due to the fact that if you cut them they feel like a gummy bear.
Since the entire implant is composed of a solidified gel, there is literally no chance of leaking and therefore can save a patient a lot of headaches.
These implants are made of the same composition type of silicone gel but have an extra additive to ensure they stay solidified.
Because of the thickness of the silicone gel, it will not leak or run and is considered to be a more stable implant with a longer life expectancy than any other implant.
Although the implants are more solidified, this does not mean that the implant will not rupture rather in the event of a rupture the silicone will not leak out and cause connective tissue disorders.
Due to how short the cohesive gel implants have been around the long term effects associated with them are still unknown but all-in-all they do look like a promising alternative to the standard silicone and saline filled implants.
The biggest issue with cohesive gel implants is the limited incision choices associated with the procedure.
Since the implants are more solidified they cannot be inserted via the areola, underarm or navel and can only be inserted through the fold under the breasts.
The chances with scaring may be greater but the length of time that the implant will stay in good shape is worth it.
The downside of the cohesive gel implant is that it is a tear drop shaped implant and therefore runs the risks of the implant shifting which may cause distortion of the breast and requires another surgery in order to remedy the movement.
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