- 1). Raise chicks in a protected enclosure that is kept at an appropriate temperature to mimic the brooding of a hen. Chicks are far more susceptible to drafts and illness than adult chickens, so learn as much as you can about proper chick care before you actually acquire them.
- 2). Provide fresh water for chicks and adult chickens at all times. Particularly in hot summer weather, lack of water can lead to overheating and even death for chickens.
- 3). Feed chickens a combination of commercial chicken feed, household scraps and the bugs and worms that they find for themselves by scratching in the soil.
- 4). Allow the chickens to range freely outside, either in a large fenced enclosure or just around the yard. Chickens are territorial animals, so they won't wander away. They will go back to the coop on their own at the end of the day.
- 5). Spread straw or loose sawdust on the floor of the chicken coop, and change it regularly so that it stays clean. Chickens don't like walking around in chicken manure any more than you would.
- 1). Build a sturdy chicken coop without any holes or openings, and keep it closed tightly at night. Predators such as weasels, raccoons and coyotes hunt mostly at night, and they love chicken. A weasel can get through an amazingly small opening in a wall, so build your coop accordingly.
- 2). Protect vulnerable chickens from other birds. Chickens are not the most charitable animals; they will peck at and potentially kill a sick or weak bird. If you notice a bird being tormented by the other birds, separate it from the rest of the flock.
- 3). Place your coop and your fenced chicken run in a place that is shaded from the sun. Underneath a large deciduous tree is ideal, because it will drop its leaves in the winter and allow the sun to keep the coop warmer in the winter. Never let your chickens get too hot or too cold.
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