Birds are losing their habitats at an alarming rate because of the activities of the modern world.
We need birds in our lives.
They play a vital part in keeping a balance to our environment.
They eat up most of the harmful insects and germs and in turn protect the trees and plants.
It is a good habit to provide shelter and food to our avian friends.
By setting up bird feeders one can contribute in helping their existence.
In turn more birds will be attracted to the backyard.
Many bird lovers are actively engaged in back yard birding in different parts of the world.
Platform Bird Feeder is great to have in any back yard.
They are ideal for attracting both low and higher perching birds.
They can be mounted on poles, hung on fold out legs or can be placed on the ground.
Several models in attractive designs and in pleasing colors are widely available now.
Well designed models at affordable prices make this bird feeder quite popular.
Most of them are easy to assemble and clean.
Special features like squirrel blocks are a huge relief.
It relieves one from constantly worrying about squirrels eating up the feeds meant for birds.
Offer a variety of bird foods like seeds,nuts,fruits and bakery products and attract a variety of birds to your back yard.
Several models have holes at the bottom that serve as a drainage.
This will help the feeds to remain dry and fresh and will make them last longer.
When setting up the feeder it is always advisable to keep them at a safe distance away from windows where pets like cats can jump on and harm or scare the birds.
Keep them in shaded areas.
It will protect the birds from harsh sunlight.
Avoid placing near thick foliage.
Predators might endanger the birds.
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