- Prior to working on any given site, builders have to formulate an erosion and sediment control plan. Many local governments, such as those in the United States and Australia, require this. The completed erosion and sediment control plan is typically submitted with the development application or building permit requirements.
As erosion control methods can change over the course of a building contract, such changes must also be indicated in the erosion and sediment control plan. In some cases, the local engineering department can identify where erosion control is required and therefore help formulate an appropriate erosion control plan. Part of planning involves educating all construction personnel about the importance of not polluting storm water. - Builders are responsible for working on erosion control installations once plans are approved. Erosion control measures have to be installed prior to building. These include a single and stable entry and exit point to the work site, a sediment fence along the low side of the site, upslope water diversion, a barrier fence around areas where vegetation should not be disturbed, and installation of catch basins.
Builders have to strip the building site of topsoil and have it stockpiled and protected for later use in landscaping. Stockpiled materials must also remain within the building site's area only and be away from the street and any source of running water. Footpaths are not to be disturbed and have to be maintained at all times when damage is seen. - It is the duty of the builder to maintain installed erosion control structures at least once a week and after each rainfall to ensure everything is in proper working order. Maintenance activities include removal of sediment from sediment fences, catch basins or drains; maintaining gravel on stabilized access areas; and repairing damaged sediment fences and erosion channels. As building progresses, erosion control needs would change, and part of maintenance is to adjust every erosion control structure according to such changes. The streets and the site also have to be cleared of debris every day.
- Builders have to check the site for stability and should ensure that no exposed soil remains before removing erosion control structures. If landscaping is to be done by another party or the owners themselves, it is also important for the builders to make the owners aware about preventing pollution before handing the site over.
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