Controlling your stable pests can be complicated in case you don't have proper knowledge about it. So, necessarily you should learn how you can give a strong stand to your stable pest issues. Out article is worth of your concern and it will give you all essential answers about pest control. Some steps should be taken in order to stop the growth of these pests which are as below:-
- Manure Piling – In order to reduce growth of these pests, first of all you should observe the way to your stable's manure piling or how it is getting managed. Basically, manure pile should open in a sunny place and time to time it should be eradicated as well. While wheel barrowing manures , the filthy bedding should be applied carefully. By this way, sun and air would act collectively the job of controlling pests. If any egg available in the manure; it will dry out and soon it will be finished.
Don't neglect manure pile as it is highly required, till it converts into a mountain of manure. The natural way of such pests control is to work in a proper schedule by which you should regularly eliminate manure pile. In this way, not only you can eradicate this issue and can give a good health to your horses as well.
o Using Non-Toxic Spray – The natural way of pest control consists of non toxic spray as well. But there are some sprays which are entirely toxic to the horse bugs and applying such sprays can badly affect your stable horses. So, you need to have use of soft fly repellants. It is a good alternative to make your horse and stable insect free and it won't harm your horses' skin anyways. You must check that the product you use; should contain Pyrethrum as it is a natural herb; which is made of plants.