Home & Garden Architecture

How to Block Out the Cold From a Window

    • 1). Locate the area of the window that is letting in the draft by moving your hand around the perimeter of the glass on a windy day. Drafts typically enter from the bottom or top of the window where it doesn't seal completely when closed, but they can also enter from the sides.

    • 2). Fill a plastic bag, such as a newspaper or grocery bag, with additional plastic bags. Open the window and lay the filled bag along the sill. Close the window, sandwiching the bag between the window and the sill. The bag creates a seal that blocks out the cold.

    • 3). Cut one leg off a pair of old stockings. Fill the leg with sand and tie closed. Lay the sand-filled tube along the top of the movable window pane to block drafts from blowing in.

    • 4). Hang insulated curtains over the window. These curtains have a decorative fabric that shows inside the home, and a heavy wind-resistant lining that blocks any cold drafts from the windows from entering the home.

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