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Amazon Kindle Questions & Answers

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Sony reader vs. Amazon kindle?
I really want to purchase a digital reading device, but I am getting so confused with all the information out there. So, I be wondering if someone out there knew the answer. Which is a better device. I am an avid reader and I would prefer a device to reflect that. Thanks I'm a Kindle 2 owner.

Sony/Kindle e-book reader...?
I've got lots of .pdf e-books on my PC. Can I these to a Sony/Kindle e-book reader without hassle?Will they display my files, or do they support only books downloaded via the wireless Of course both support pdf and tons of other formats, e.g. TXT, RTF, JPG, BMP, GIF, PNG, MP3, AAC.If you would like to know more about Sony/Kindle...

Stupid request for information, but are ebooks (purchased) downloadable ONLY on Kindles/ereaders OR can they be downloaded?
onto a desktop or laptop? Thanks. Yes, they can be downloaded on a computer. Usually you can find the most on a p2p network such as Limewire. However, if you do use a program such as Limewire you own to watch out for viruses. Most...

Superhero, Fantasy, or Sci-fi book suggestions (peferablly for kindle)?
I am looking for some good books to get for my Kindle. Here are a few examples of the books that I hold already read and really enjoyed.Superheroes - Humor, Horror, and Heroes, Playing for Keeps.Fantasy - A Song of Ice and Fire.Sci-fi - World War Z, Resistance: The Gathering Storm.Any suggestions would...

Survey: What on planet is a Kindle?
I just saw it on a commercial and I have no idea what it is. Looked it up online but never really found much out. I could hold it spelled wrong because I just typed it as I heard it on the Sprint commercial. Kindle - to set fire to or ignite.for example,the sunset...

Teachers: Has within be any trouble within your classes next to students slipping a Kindle between their book page?
I had wireless earphones, and I constantly did this with my ipods, so I'm wondering if students are reading something more interesting contained by class and getting away with it or not.And, no I am not asking whether I could or not. I graduated...

Tell me roughly the kindle device?
I know its a device that you read books on but how do you use it?and how do you put books on it?i want one but i dont want to get it and dont understand itcan i put anything on it?how much is it?i looked it up on wikipedia but it didnt help much. I own the...

The Kindle from
Can someone give me a summary of the Kindle ( How it works, Costs, opinions on it and things like that)What I KnowIt costs $299 unless you win the better or different version that costs more. I want the $299 one.There are no monthly feesYou download books? Am I right?You can store/carry 1,500 books and download over 300,000Can someone...

The Amazon Kindle- Are within books for teens or childish adults??
I want to buy it but I want to make sure there are books of my liking There are already thousands of books available on the Kindle and more one converted every day.However, they do tend to be newer books. If you want an older work, you might consider an e-reader with...

The Amazon Kindle is presently $299, do you ponder it's worth it?
I saw that the Kindle is $299. I've always thought it would be nice to carry all my books and magazine in one device, but thought the Kindle was kind of expensive. What do you guys conjecture. Would you buy one on at this price?… No, I'd want...

The's Kindle. Is it really worth it?

It's a handheld bookstore pretty much.My mother is planning on getting it for me for christmas for I am an avid reader.But, I don't know if it's worth it. What's your opinion? I used the Kindle for the first time over Thanksgiving. And I have to say that I'm really impressed beside it. I was...

The difference between the sony reader digital book and kindle by amazon?
I just learned that i am getting the Kindle from my husband for christmas.(so excited) Anyway i was looking at the attach for target and came across the digital reader from sony. Does anyone know what the difference is? If so which one is better then? thanks( although i am keeping...

The Kindle's Life?
This is a very expensive device that i would surely love to have. I would need to buy several books surrounded by order to make a saving on my investment. However if it is close to an Ipod and breaks down in one year. Then that would be disappointing. Does anyone know how long the Kindle lasts and about its...

The mark Kindle?
do you like the name Kindle?i think its cute. If you want your kid to be known as an e-book reader then it's absolutely adorable. it makes me devise of fire. maybe because of kindling and also candle .. it's different but I think it's rather irregular. I've known race named Kendall but not Kindle ...

The mind is not a vessel to be chock-full , but a fire to be kindled... Plutarch quote! opinion please?
I think it is super Hi near.he makes a good point. It was a adjectives view that students just listen and remember, but no progress can ever be made that way - kindle the enthusiasm and exotic discoveries are possible!But...

The word Kindle?
Hello, would you mind telling me the use of the word Kindle can you give me a couple of sentences please? catch fire; The dried grass of the prairie kindled, spreading the flames for miles exact to start burning; The setting sun kindled the sky with oranges and reds

Thinkin of buying a Kindle. Is the booklist updated next to fresh books or am i stuck next to whats out when i attain it?
It looks really cool, but nothing says if the list of books available for purchase is updated. I assume it is, but i'd resembling to be sure. Thanks! Amazon adds new books to their Kindle store all the...

Thinking in the region of getting kindle?
I was thinking about getting the kindle for christmas. Well asking. I was wondering what adjectives different wireless books there are i know there is a sony one but which one out of all of them is best.? Well, Sony have got interesting readers as well, but by simply looking at the marketplace share, Amazon...

Thinking just about getting the kindle.?
Is the kindle a good choice of e-book or should I get a different one? if you have a kindle or a different one will you describe me the pros and cons?thanks :) I own the Kindle 2, so let me give you some of my opinion. I've to say I love it! I think I've read...

Those who own one compare the Kindle against Sony Reader.?
I own the Sony Reader and think it great. I think both have their pros and cons, but in nonspecific the Kindle has more functions. Like this review comes from a user who has got both:… I own the Reader and, as I got it up to date for half...

Thoughts on Kindle, is it a worthwhile purchase?
I've done alot of research and read many reviews on the Kindle but would like to hear current pros and cons from real Kindle users. I know in that are knock offs out there but I'm interested in the real Kindle.Your comments would be appreciated. I love my Kindle 2 very much. If you are...

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