Follow a two step process to find the best snore reduction solution for you.
Snoring is a common problem that affects both men and women.
Unless you are single, your problem is really two-fold.
First, snoring makes your own sleep less revitalizing.
Second, it can wake the person you sleep with more often than it wakes you.
That means no one is sleeping well! It can also be such a touchy subject.
No one chooses to snore - it just shows up one day and no amount of wishful thinking will make it go away.
You see, snoring is the result of a blockage of air that is happening when you sleep.
It can be that the soft palate at the back of the roof of your mouth is too relaxed and dropping a bit into your airway.
It can be the result of allergies which are irritating your nasal passages and causing them to swell.
Perhaps there's more weight around your neck than there used to be and the pressure of your sleeping position is restricting your airway at night.
Whatever the cause, the blockage means that the amount of air you take in and exhale at night is going through a smaller, narrower passageway than it used to and it's causing the tissue in your airway to rattle, or vibrate.
That vibration causes the snoring sound you hear.
Because a snoring problem can be caused by different types of blockages, the market has come up with anti snoring products to address all the various causes.
There are special pillows, chin straps, nasal strips, mouthpieces, sprays and masks.
You can't just pick one and hope it works, though.
You need to apply the right solution for your particular problem.
First Step - Find Out Why You Snore There are lots of reasons people snore.
See if you know which of the following apply to you:
- Allergies are causing swollen nasal passages
- Overweight
- Relaxed muscle tissue in the back of your mouth
- Smoking and related congestion
- Sleep apnea
For example, if you snore because you have allergies and those allergies are causing your nasal passages to swell, then you should try an anti snoring product that addresses your nasal passages.
A chin strap that holds your jaw out at a certain angle while you sleep might not make any difference for you at all.
The other factor to consider when choosing the right stop snoring solution is your own, personal comfort.
Referring back to the allergy example, there are several products that address swollen nasal passages.
Strips that cross the bridge of your nose or sprays that reduce the swelling are both options for you, but if you would rather sleep with no visible signs of a snoring aid on your face, then the sprays should be your first resort.
The same goes for pillows, chin straps and mouthpieces.
If you don't want to wear something around your face or in your mouth while you sleep, then you might want to try a snore reducing pillow before you try anything else.
One lesser known snoring solution is to use exercises to strengthen the muscles in your throat to help expand your airway.
A snoring exercise program gives you simple exercises to perform several minutes a day with the objective of opening that airway passage as much as possible.
It works for singers and has been noted as a way to reduce snoring, too.
It might be that your particular situation requires a combination of anti snoring products to get the job done.
If you have both allergies and a blockage and are carrying some weight around your neck, you may need both strips and a special pillow or chin strip to completely end your snoring.
It takes some effort to find the right solution for you but your best bet is to put some thought into the specific reason YOU are snoring and find the best product to address that specific problem.
Don't give up just because one product didn't work.
Most snoring issues can be resolved.