- In order to replace your Vista Ultimate product key you must first obtain a new working product key. Contact your computer's manufacturer if Vista came pre-installed on your system to obtain a replacement key. If you purchased Vista separately, contact Microsoft directly. Contact information for Microsoft should be available on the product packaging, or can be found online at the Microsoft support website (see resources).
- Once you've obtained your new product key you can replace the old one using your current installation of Vista Ultimate. To do so, you can use the Elevated Command Prompt, run with administrator privileges. Open the Start Menu and right click on the Command Prompt icon to run it as an administrator.
At the command prompt type 'slmgr.vbs -ipk <your 25 digit product key>'. This will change your existing product key to the new one. You can then activate the new product key by again using the command prompt to type in the command 'slmgr.vbs --ato'.
Vista Ultimate includes an alternate way of changing your product key if you're uncomfortable with using the command prompt, by going through the System Properties window. To open the system properties window, right click on Computer in the Start Menu, and select Properties. At the bottom of the System Properties window is an area with the heading, Windows activation. Next to the listed product key is the option Change product key. Choose this option and follow the prompts to input the new product key.
Your Vista Ultimate may be in what's known as Reduced Functionality mode, which is an anti-piracy feature. You can recognize this mode by the lack of all the enhanced graphical features of Vista, including the replacement of the desktop background with a black screen. In this mode you are presented with a screen reading 'Retype your product key'. Click on this option for the opportunity to input your new product key.
Using either the System Properties window or the reduced functionality mode methods of inputting a new product code will require you to go through the activation process upon reboot. - If you're using your new product key in a fresh install of Vista Ultimate the process is the same as the old key usage. Install the program and input the new 25-digit product key when directed to do so during the installation process by Vista.
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