It is used in a highly controversial way to improve population dental health.
The main controversy relates to the addition of fluoride to public water supplies, with some governments mandating the practice and some governments outlawing it.
In my view fluoride is a dangerous toxin and is best avoided.
Fluoride was added into drinking water to reduce cavities.
Whether or not it actually does this is still a matter for debate - especially since vested interest and biased studies have clouded the picture.
It is interesting to note that fluoride was originally a by-product of the aluminium production process and many of the original funds for research into the 'benefits' of fluoride in drinking water came from aluminium companies! The general public has been largely kept in the dark about the dangers of fluoride.
Degenerative brain diseases such as Alzheimer's have been linked to toxic build up in the brain - including the toxin fluoride.
Cancer, behavioral problems, thyroid suppression, male infertility and impotence are also some examples of problems associated with the toxic accumulation of fluoride.
Furthermore the combination of fluoride and aluminum is particularly toxic for the brain and is connected to the development of Parkinson's and Lou Gehrig's diseases.
The time for most rapid brain growth and development occurs in the last three months of pregnancy and the first two years after birth.
This means the brain is particularly prone to the damage caused by toxins, including fluoride, during that time.
Fluoride can also accumulate in the brain and with every drink of fluoridated water the fluoride levels increase.
The number of research studies showing the significant toxic damage caused by fluoride in the brain continues to grow.
Some of the results of these studies include:
- A Chinese study found children who drink fluoridated water have lower IQs than those who don't.
Many villages and cities in China have natural fluoride levels that are high, and Chinese scientists have found a lower intelligence, measured at drop of10 IQ points, in fluoridated cities.
- An article in the journal Epidemiology showed that children drinking water with EPA-approved fluoride levels had problems with reading and writing.
- One study of rats found a significant reduction in the brain receptor for learning and memory - the same receptors reduced in early Alzheimer's disease.
While drinking fluoridated water is not the cause of Alzheimer's, there appears to be a link.
- Fluoride added to water in the presence of even small amounts of aluminum caused severe destruction of brain cells in the part of the brain controlling learning and memory.
- Alzheimer's patients and children with Down's syndrome have dramatic increases in the absorption of aluminium.
Fluoride increases by seven times the absorption of aluminium and significantly increased the aluminium in the brain.
Aluminium is in foods, canned drinks, cookware, deodorants, vaccinations, pesticides and medications.
Aluminium plays a major role in Alzheimer's disease and possibly Parkinson's and Lou Gehrig's diseases.
When aluminium is combined with fluoride - even in concentrations half those added to drinking water - it will lead to the destruction of critical brain cells.
- Combining aluminum and fluoride may increase the risk of ADD, ADHD, dyslexia and other developmental brain disorders in children.
- Fluoride accumulates in the pineal gland in the brain.
The pineal gland is the source of melatonin (a hormone).
Melatonin regulates the onset of puberty and sleep and it protects the brain against damage by free radicals.
- A study compared the cancer death rates in the 10 largest fluoridated cities and 10 largest non-fluoridated cities.
These cities had equal numbers of cancer death rates before the fluoridation was begun.
Once the cities began including fluoride in drinking water the cancer death rates began to increase.
After 13 to 17 years of fluoridation these cities experienced a 10% increase in cancer death rates compared with the non-fluoridated cities.
The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) repeated the study using a larger number of cities and found similar results.
These percentages are seen as being low compared to similar studies that have been done in Canada (15%) and in Michigan by the Public health Service who found 22% increase in cancer deaths following fluoridation.
- The increases in incidence of oral cancers, such as cancers of the tongue and gums, could be as high as 33% - 50%.
This is with levels at 45ppm.
Toothpaste can contain between 1,000 and 1,500 ppm fluoride and fluoride gels used in dental offices contain up to 15,000 ppm.
Fluoride varnishes release a high concentration of fluoride continuously in the mouth.
- Fluoride accumulates in bone tissue more than any other area except in the pineal gland.
The fluoride concentrations found in bones can be greater than 2,000 ppm.
Fluoride in the bones is linked to three conditions: - There is an increased incidence of up to 50% in osteosarcoma in communities with fluoridated water.
Osteosarcoma is a cancer most commonly seen in young men in their late teens and twenties.
- Fluoride is also associated with the development of overgrowths of calcium in the bones (bony spurs) which are potentially crippling especially if they develop in the spine.
- When fluoride is present in the bones it is shown to weaken the cortical bone, that part that gives the bone strength - thus there is an increased risk of bone fractures.
- One study found genetic damage to cells exposed to just 1 ppm of fluoride.
- Other studies have shown that industrial exposure to airborne fluoride leads to a 35% increase in lung cancer.
There is also significantly higher incidence of laryngeal cancer and bladder cancer.
- Fluoride accumulates in the thyroid gland and can suppress its activity.
This is made worse when the iodine levels are low.
- Reduced sperm counts and infertility in men who work in cryolite (50% fluoride) and aluminum factories have been reported.
Fluoride added to the drinking water of experimental animals causes significant reductions in sperm counts, lower testosterone levels and a dramatic increase in abnormal, mutated sperm.
So what about the improvement to our teeth? The American Dental Association, among many others globally, promoted fluoridation by suggesting that fluoridated drinking water can reduce cavities by as much as 50%.
Has this actually happened? There are some early studies that suggested an improvement in dental cavities.
However, a study involving 39,000 schoolchildren (a very large study sample), found no overall reduction in cavities in communities with fluoride in their water.
Another worldwide study showed that children who live in areas with no fluoride in the water had lower cavity rates.
The fact is, cavity rates reflect diet quality, dental hygiene and general health, not fluoride water levels.
Fluoride is clearly toxic for the body.
It accumulates in tissues and causes damage.
This damage can result in cancers, learning and memory difficulties, behavioural problems as well as many other conditions.
There is, at best, limited evidence that it has any benefit for preventing tooth decay.
Because the body has to deal with fluoride as a poison it is best to avoid it in drinking water, toothpaste, vaccinations, pesticides and herbicides, medications and Teflon coated cookware.
If fluoride is added to your local drinking water supply then use a water filter to remove it, you'll find many additional benefits from doing so.
If you have had exposure to fluoride you will benefit from the detoxification of the whole body.