The effect of electromagnetic force in human body: Our body is a large electromagnetic field. Our body is made up of millions of cells which contain different molecules like carbohydrate, proteins, fats and different charged molecule (ions) of different minerals. These molecule and charged particles create an electromagnetic field inside our body. This electromagnetic force maintains equilibrium inside our body. But there are some factors which disturb the electromagnetic equilibrium inside our body. Such factors can be classified into external and internal factors.
Factors: Following are some factors which may affect the electromagnetic equilibrium of our body.
Natural or artificial flowing water
- X-Ray
- Cobalt-60
- Nuclear Reactors
- High-Tension Electric Cable
- Cellphones
- Orbiting Satellites
- Answering machines, Fax Machines
- Computer
- Standard Lamps
- Alcohol
- TV, Radio, CD player
- Carbone Monoxide
- Pollution
- Smoking
EMF Hypersensitivity: Our body is sensitive to the electromagnetic force. Few people body are very much hypersensitive for EMF changes. Due to this EMF hypersensitivity few symptoms can be shown in human body. Following are symptoms of EMF hypersensitivity.
- Several rashes in the skin just like sun burn
- A red glow over the eyebrows and bridge of the nose
- Inflammation in Lymph Node
- Severe brain fog
- Stroke like symptoms
- Depression
- Low eyesight
- Rapid heartbeat
- Increased RBC count
- Fatigue
- Sleeplessness
- Dry Eyes
- Dizziness
- Tremors
- Nausea
Remedy of EMF hypersensitivity: Following are the remedy from EMF hypersensitivity symptoms
- Avoid all the source of EMF radiations
- Get all the heavy metals out of the body
- Increase Iodine level in the body
- Reduce stress and emotions
Participate in different spiritual activities like Yoga, Meditations etc along with different supplements.
EMF Hypersensitivity Measurement: In the modern age of technology there are many portable active EMF protection devices. By the use of these devices we can measure our EMF hypersensitivity level very easily from our home or office. As this device is portable we can carry it anywhere and measure your EMF value. Following are the features of these portable EMF detectors
- No use of Coil: These devices do not contain any costly and high power consuming coils for emitting electromagnetic frequency.
- Earth Resonance: They does not use 7.83Hz earth resonance
- Natural Rhythm: They always emit a frequency that is adjusted with our body and never stress the body.
- Effect on plants and animals: These devices do not affect the plants or animals.
- Psychotropic and psychic attach: These devices do not causes psychotropic and psychic attaches.
Due the above features and easy to use and carry the demand of these portable EMF hypersensitivity devices are increasing gradually. To meet this huge demand many organizations are manufacturing such devices in an affordable price.