Health & Medical Health News & Knowledge

How To Build Muscle Tone

If you want to add muscle tone, the secret is to target the explicit muscle collection you need to tone.  That being said, it is also crucial to remember that putting too much target a single muscle group means you are ignoring another muscle group.  Building one group of muscles while ignoring another group can lead to health Problems, particularly if the two groups are located on the same part of the body.  

Stretching before a work out is important.  Most exercise related injuries can be avoided by stretching at the start and end of your exercise routine.  Often when we are working out we are just contracting our muscles.  For instance running cross country means climbing hills and switching terrain.  This implies that the hamstrings are constantly being contracted.  In order to supply the hamstrings with a well balanced work-out it's very important to extend the hamstring by stretching it out at the beginning and the end of the workout.  

If you are trying to add muscle tone in your rear end, then here are three good exercises which will target that muscle group.  To do these exercises correctly, you will need a set of small, hand-held dumbbells.  The 1st exercise is named the dumbbell lunge.  Stand with your feet shoulder width apart, your knees barely bent and with your arms hanging at your sides.  You should be holding one dumbbell in each hand.  Now, step forward with one foot.  Now, slowly lower the body so that your front leg is at 90 degrees, and your back leg stretches into a vertical position.  Slowly return to the beginning position.  Don't lock your knees.  Repeat this exercise 8 to 12 times and then switch legs.  

To do the dumbbell squat start in the same position, with your feet shoulder width apart, your knees slightly bent, and your arms hanging at your sides with a dumbbell in each hand.  Now, slowly bend your knees so that they form a ninety degree angle reaching backward with your butt so that your knees do not extend past your toes.  This exercise mimic's the action of sitting down .  Repeat 8 to twelve times.  

For the bridge, stay horizontal on your back with your knees bent, your feet flat on the floor and your hips wide apart.  Starting with your tailbone, slowly raise your spine off the floor one vertebrae at a time until at the highest position your feet are directly below your knees.  Hold this position for five seconds, and then slowly lower yourself back down while squeezing the cheeks so that your rear end is the very last thing to touch the ground.  

Many people long for tighter arms.  Strong arms provide more benefit that just looking good.  Strong arms mean that you can reach the top shelf, and that you can throw a ball straight.  There are several benefits to having a powerful higher body.

One exercises for bolstering the arms and higher body is the push-up.  To do push-ups correctly make sure to keep your knees straight, you are intestinal and butt muscles tight and your backbone aligned.  Your butt shouldn't poke up or sag down.  Make sure your head is aligned with your spine too.  That means no hanging of your head and no jutting your chin out.  Once you have believed the right position, and then bend your elbows so far as you can while still keeping your body in the proper form.  Then, by slowly straightening the arms, come back to the beginning position.

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