- 1). Check to be sure that the space behind your target is clear, and that there is a suitable backstop, such as a wood wall, to stop missed throws.
- 2). Stand with the leg that matches your throwing arm behind your other leg, a shoulder's width apart.
- 3). Point your lead foot down the target line.
- 4). Turn your back foot in the direction your chest is pointed, so your heels point at the target, but your feet point at a 45-degree angle relative to each other.
- 5). Grip the knife firmly in your throwing hand and cock the knife straight back over your shoulder while pointing your non-throwing hand at the target.
- 6). Bring your arm forward by rotating your shoulder down and shifting your weight toward your front foot. Do not rotate your trunk--only your arm should move.
- 7). Release the knife as your throwing hand is pointed at the target.
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