- 1). Brush your border collie every day to remove dirt and dead skin cells. Brushing stimulates the oil glands in the skin and spreads these natural oils throughout the coat to keep it looking shiny. Regular brushing also prevents mats and tangles from forming.
- 2). Use the slicker brush to remove loose hair and dirt by brushing in the direction that the hair grows. Use long, smooth strokes to cover the coat from the top of your dog's head to its tail. If your dog has a rough coat, pay special attention to the long-haired "feathers" on its chest and legs. Burrs, twigs, briars and other debris can get caught in these feathers when your dog runs through fields or woods.
- 3). Work out areas of tangled hair with your fingers. Use a gentle touch and avoid pulling on the hair so you don't hurt your dog. Cut out dense mats with scissors. Be careful not to poke or cut the skin with the sharp tips.
- 4). Comb out the undercoat against the grain of the hair to remove loose hairs. These will collect on your furniture and floors if you do not remove them by combing. Finish by brushing the coat in the direction of the grain using the bristle brush.
- 5). Check for ticks and fleas as you brush and comb the coat. Assess the general condition of the skin and make note of wounds or other problems. Treat your dog for any pests or skin conditions you discover.
- 6). Bathe your border collie only when needed. Use baby shampoo or a shampoo formulated for dogs. Rinse with water and towel dry. Make sure the skin dries completely, because moist skin can become infected.
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