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Are You In It - To Win It?
Have you ever heard this? "It isn't whether you win or lose. It is how you play the game." I am sure you have. But do you know who said it? Some guy who came in second place!
What is Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP)?
If you've ever heard the term NLP you've probably wondered what it refers to, particularly as it gets bandied about quite a lot in the self help industry. Well, NLP is short for Neuro Linguistic ...
Beginners Weight Loss Strategies To Help You Succeed
f you understand the benefits of weight loss for yor health and peacµ of mind, then you are ready to begin t¦e simple •teps necessay to make losing weight, a part of your life today. ...
You Must Act To Boost Confidence
"Acting" seems to be quite underestimated as a way to help improve the self. You can choose to use "acting" in order to be more confident. At first, it may feel that you are just ...
Healthy Mind, Health Body, Bigger Bank Balance
If you want a healthy Bank Balance, to make serious money no matter what your financial vehicle is, you need to two things: A healthy Mind and A healthy body. Without the two you will not achieve your ultimate financial success. You have to start with you; you have to start with how you think.
Muscle Stress Relief Tips
Your nervous system's ability to cope up with pressure determines how much stress you can store up in your body and mind. We may not want it, but we all have an ability to harbor stress. This is actually not a bad thing, although harboring more stress than your nervous system can actually handl
Getting Out of Your Own Way
Believe me I speak from experience; it's so easy to get into these habits of not being authentic, of just sweeping it under the carpet saying it'll be all right and I guess we can get along. I mean you can do that, a lot of people are, most people are doing that in my observation. It does
Kitchen Wall Clock - Tick Tock Tick Tock
Your kitchen has a purpose and a function, so does the clock on your kitchen wall...