- One way to get students to appreciate fiction is to have them write their own masterpieces. This project has two parts and should be completed as a group project. First, the group meets and comes up with a story idea, which the teacher approves. The teacher can offer a theme to the class, such as an event or time period, but it is best to let students have some creative freedom. The group will then write the story together. Once the story is written and the teacher again approves the overall concept, the students begin assigning characters then practice acting out the story. The final step is to perform the story in front of the class.
- If your goal is to get students to read more, then let them choose a book they'd like to tackle from an approved reading list. These lists are available through most public libraries and through school districts. After the student reads the book, have him choose a key scene to depict in diorama form. Shoe boxes lend themselves well to dioramas. The student can paint the inside as a backdrop then add figures and props made of sculpted clay and doll house furniture.
- After the class has read several books together, break the students into two teams and let them go head to head in a game of fiction Jeopardy. Questions should relate to the books read and can cover topics, such as character names, plot and information about the author. For the Final Jeopardy question, try to come up with something obscure that only someone who has read the book carefully would know. The Jeopardy board can be placed on the chalk board with the answers written under each column and a piece of construction paper taped over each answer until that selection is chosen.
- At the end of a book or the end of the school year, allow students to dress up and act like their favorite character. If the student's favorite character is from the 1800s, he should only use language like the character would and act confused if someone talks about a cell phone, iPod or television. If the student's favorite character is Irish, she should try to speak with an Irish accent.
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