Health & Medical Body building

The Best Workout Routine For Serious Bodybuilders

A beginner can train more often because he or she is practicing coordination, form and feel.
He/she is not using any advanced techniques with heavy weights and maximum muscle recruitment.
Everything is fresh and new for a beginner so he/she does not have to stimulate the muscle very much to get results.
But if you are already advanced further you should train each body part less but with more intensity.
The more stress you put to the muscle with adding weights, the more time your muscle needs to recover and repair itself allowing the muscle to grow.
A four day split is good program for a intermediate bodybuilder.
You should concentrate on using progressively heavier weights.
Your first working set should include heavier weights, where you can complete 10 repetitions, yet may have been able to squeeze one extra rep out of yourself.
The next step is to take the sets to failure.
So you certainly need a spotter to make sure the last few reps are extremely difficult to accomplish.
You should also start to lower the reps on the basic compound exercises.
A 4 day split works best for an intermediate trainee.
Example of a workout: 1 exercise for hamstrings 2 exercises for the triceps, calves and biceps 2- exercises for the back shoulders, chest and quads 1 warm up set 1 working set (a set with added weight that allows for 10 reps, where you can barely squeeze out the last 10th rep on your own) 1-2 sets (added Weight), accelerating and exploding On Monday and Thursday you can do chest (bench press, incline bench press), Back (Pull downs, bent rows), shoulders (front presses, side laterals), biceps (standing curls, preacher curls), triceps (pushdown, close grip bench press.
) On Tuesday and Friday quads (presses, smith machine squats, extensions), hamstrings (leg curls), calves (seated raises, standing raises), abs (crunches, hanging leg raises).

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