Technology computers-hardware

How to Find the Cheapest Computer

    • 1). Make a list of exactly what you want to do with your new system. The two biggest mistakes people make when buying computers are buying a computer with too little or too much power. For example, if you plan on doing intense 3D gaming, you'll need a high-end system with dedicated graphics cards. However, if you are only interested in surfing the web, checking email and writing Word documents, then you can get away with buying a lower-end, bargain-priced system.

    • 2). Decide what operating system you are interested in using. The vast majority of consumers buy computers with Windows pre-installed, because those systems are the ones carried by most major retailers. However, Mac and Linux are also options. If you have your heart set on getting a Mac, then be prepared to pay a premium for the system; it is debatable whether or not the quality matches the higher price tag. If you want a Linux system, there are a number of online retailers that sell machines preconfigured with Linux, or you can buy a Windows system and install Linux in place of or beside Windows; it should be noted that most versions of Linux, called distributions, are free to the consumer.

    • 3). Check your local electronics stores to see what kind of in-store sales they are running. Sometimes you will find a better deal on a computer in a bricks-and-mortar store than from an online retailer or the manufacturer. Be sure to keep a record of what the sale prices are so you can compare them to online offers.

    • 4). Navigate to the websites of the manufacturers whose systems you are interested in to compare their price against the in-store price. If they are the same or similar, decide whether you would like to buy the computer in-store or directly from the manufacturer. The main advantage of buying from the manufacturer is that you can have the computer customized before it even ships; this is of particular importance to users who are interested in serious gaming, as these users will often have to upgrade the RAM and graphics card.

    • 5). Check for professional and consumer reviews of any system before you buy it. There is nothing worse then spending a hefty amount on a system, then finding out that it has several well-known issues that make it poor buy for your money.

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