gathering 1/2 are you have alway on the bottom up hey whatever good care alright alrightoutfit say a chest press yeah could fit looking out that I thought my you are happy hump self-test reading here before poll Paul halfway up from the bottom half atpapal party haha pipe down I more tomorrow hey you more honey can do it from couple more get home from a nap andright or I hi that get back together brief life now yeah huh hi mom can't read just my I think perhaps Poonam some of her from home with poor hurting keep going that's cool I've let down therapy Peter Howard drill yeah i cant lafitte chest press what you
wanted to hearprobably below gold girl we don't leave home ok going to want me line were at home from hospital are you involving 100 hurled K have heard happen to him how I 14 hey home hi from penny I from good 00 hacer have it but he does look good from goblets are you doing the rightthing isn't for heard hi hacer homemade granny think her mom but huh put my hand on my hi how r yeah hoping hey drama her mom from I'm hey let's keep your eye on 40 her I I home hey slightly you can play you're a husband who put account what okay how the what %uh poop for pepsi a prove we're on our way to
know who mystring9 everyone out there like a sailor thatwas right school cream brulee game and what youare saying have met you guy yeah not selecting theright way I'm and keep pushing and do this everybody has West I'll call hiendangered Bengal hand in the United you right are really told and the tiny don't you think that here's hoping you'dlike nascent his parents even the Toronto bouquet a superset involved che's up model problem for you as a bowlingaction pulls back towards a world governmentstopping can't said Jewish history cum swallow 3 okay okay paved road that had to go along or so I enforce thing to do so has something to do what's right andI'm at more only do not forget for include again so I think gary hart Yahoo spread from to be people thatshare general yeah I want you to write Utah he is wrong you 303 yeah sale 23 minutes old walking through think place already asked
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